Hyundai keys | Replacement Keys | The Ultimate Guide

Need to replace the key to you Hyundai? Or have you lost one of the spares and don’t want to be stuck with one key?

Have you called your dealership only to find out how expensive it is to replace modern keys and now you’re looking for a cheaper option?

Look no further. In this page we have three methods which you can try to replace your keys quicker and cheaper than going to the dealership. And if those don’t work, we also have information on how contact a dealership as well.

Keep reading below to find out how.

So You Lost Your Hyundai Keys, then Initially You Have Options


Buying online is the cheapest way to replace your keys, but it can take a few days to ship the new key to you and you will need to cut it and program it yourself. If you’re in hurry and need your keys straight away, skip to step two.


A Location Locksmith will come out to you, cut and program a new key for you right on the spot. For most cars, it takes only a couple of hours to get you back on the road. It’s still cheaper than the dealership.

How To Buy Hyundai Keys Online

Option One: Amazon’s ‘My Garage’

Within Amazon’s vast network of products there is a section designed only for car parts and accessories called ‘My Garage’. Here you can start on the first part of getting your keys replaced: Getting a blank key.

Once you’ve got a blank key to your car, then all you have to do is to find a reputable locksmith who can cut and code the key for you.

Here are the steps for getting your key at Amazon My Garage:

  1. Go to the main ‘My Garage’ Page
  2. There you’ll see a drop down menu where you can find the make, model and year of your car.
  3. After you click search, you will see a list of products specifically for your car.
  4. Search through the products until you find your blank key.
  5. Once you’ve found your key, head over to the checkout!

Keys throughout different models can sometimes be similar. If you’re not sure if you have the right key for your car, do a quick search or visit a Hyundai owner forum to find some pictures.

There are two challenges with using Amazon to get a new set of blank keys.
Waiting: If you find the right key you still have to wait to it to be delivered.
Cutting and coding: Once you’ve got your blank key you have to find a locksmith or dealership who can cut and code your key.

But once you’ve found your key, then one part of the problem is already fixed.

Option two: The Local Locksmith

A Mobile Locksmith can come to you and not only cut but code a new set of keys for you as well. If you’ve lost all your keys then they can be an absolute lifesaver because sometimes dealerships will require your vehicle to be towed to their location to have new keys cut.

A mobile locksmith who specializes in Hyundai cars can cut and code a key for your car at your location. If possible, they will be able to get you back on the road in only a few hours!

Here is a list of mobile locksmiths who can cut and program keys for your car. It’s important to speak with the mobile locksmiths beforehand to make sure that they can create a key for your specific model.

Best Choice

We love this company the are fast and professional, If it dosesn’t work  for you there is another option below.


This is a very good company too, they have good coverage and do many types of car keys.

Option three: Coding a key yourself

Coding a modern key is normally a two-step process, there is the cutting of the physical key – which can be done by most locksmiths. Then there is the next step of coding the key to the car. This can be done either by specialized software or by using manual command codes in the car itself.

If you’re a bit more technically minded then you get the key cut for your car (purchase a blank one from Amazon My Garage) then code the key manually.

Manual coding can look complicated, but it’s actually pre straightforward if you just follow the correct steps for you car. And if coding the key doesn’t work the first time, there is no harm done – you can always recode the key again.

Here are the steps for coding Hyundai keys. While we’ve worked hard to make sure this is the correct codes for Hyundai, it’s always good to check again if these are the right codes. Sometimes the codes to reprogram keys are written down in the vehicle’s user manual or can be found on online forums.

There are two main types of codes and keys on Hyundai’s.

Type 1:
1. Take out the piece of trim in between the steering wheel and above the pedals. There you’ll find the remote control receiver unit. Sometimes the unit is located behind the small piece of trim in front of the door opening.

2. Move the switch on the side of the unit to the SET position.

3. Press the lock/unlock button on the new key quickly.

4. Move the switch to the OFF position. Test to see if it works.

Type 2: 16 pin OBD Systems

1. Underneath the steering column, there is a small black box which houses the remote controller.

2. There is a small piece of tape on the box, take it off and you’ll see a small switch inside a hole.

3. Turn the ignition to the “ON” position, turn the switch to SET.

4. Press the lock/unlock button on the original and new remotes.

5. Turn the switch on the box back to the OFF position.

6. Switch the ignition back to the “OFF” position and test all the remotes.

Option four: Going to the dealership

If none of the methods you’ve mentioned here have worked, then your last option is to go to the dealership.

It may not be the cheapest or the fastest, but if you’ve tried all the options above and nothing has worked, then the dealership will be your best bet.

Find a dealership nearby to you which:

  1. Familiar with the model and year of your Hyundai
  2. Can provide you with a timeline and cost of key replacement.

The worst case scenario would be that your vehicle will need to be towed to the dealership (never a cheap option) so that the techs can work on the car there.

But if you are only looking to have a second key replaced, or a new remote made, then you just have to leave the car there for the duration of the repair.